Fit und stark bis ins hohe Alter

Fit and strong well into old age

Muscle loss: A problem that does not only occur in old age

Muscle loss is a natural process that occurs as we age, but it can also become a problem at a young age.


The answer is simple: we don’t move enough.

The normal daily routine of most people in our society consists of many hours of sitting:

From bed to breakfast (sit), into the car-bus-train-plane (again sit) to the desk (again sit) Lunch break (sit?) back to the desk (continue sit), home by car (sitting or?) Dinner with the family (of course at the table, sitting), watch some TV later...maybe while lying down!

Over 40 years ago I heard the saying: “Use it or lose it” or also: “The flesh must be tortured“! (Joseph Hölzl)

Our muscles, together with the ligaments, tendons and fascia, form the supporting structure of our body. Thanks to our balanced muscles, our body remains upright, the spine is supported and we can achieve incredible feats. It's all a matter of doing it regularly!

When muscle mass decreases with age, this is referred to as age-related muscle loss, also known as sarcopenia. However, this is no fate that must inevitably befall you!

Two components are particularly important for preventing muscle loss:

The supply of the right nutrients and vital substances and of course, you guessed it, exercise!

Pay attention to the right protein supply

Muscles are made of proteins, so you should definitely make sure that protein-rich diet pay attention if you want to maintain and build muscle.

Proteins are the basic building blocks of all lifeThey consist of chains of individual building blocks. These individual building blocks are called amino acids.

All human proteins are derived from 20 - 23 different amino acids built.

Of these, 8 amino acids are essential. These essential amino acids can be produced by the body not self-produced and must therefore supplied through food become.

All other amino acids are non-essential amino acids and can be produced by the body from the essential amino acids.

These essential amino acids include, for example, LeucinLeucine, along with the amino acids valine and isoleucine, is known for its muscle-building abilities.

Leucine is the best studied amino acid and is considered most important amino acid for stimulating muscle growthThis can be explained by the fact that leucine is said to stimulate insulin secretion, and insulin in turn stimulates protein synthesis.

Of course, the body should not only be supplied with sufficient leucine, but also with all other 20 amino acidsso that it works well.

Which protein product can we recommend in this case? Of course our MAP Amino - 10% off this week!

Order MAP Amino in our shop!

MAP-Amino provides you with all 8 essential amino acidsthat the human body needs!

MAP-Amino is, compared to all other protein sources, unbeatably cheap and within just 23 minutes in the blood

Small Pressling, 100% Vegan and pleasant to swallow!

Only for a short time: 10% discount on every can of MAP-Amino with the code: muskel10

When you click on the button above, the discount code will be automatically deducted from your shopping cart!

Valid until January 22, 2024; cannot be combined with other codes.

Recommendation for optimal success

Take before and after your exercise program our MAP Amino. It is best to take it with a natural carbohydrate source. By a natural carbohydrate source we do not mean a chocolate bar or toast with jam, but rather, for example, a banana, honey or 1 to 2 dates.

Through the combination with a carbohydrate source is the insulin secretion and the muscle-building effect due to leucine particularly high.

If you would like to find out more about the ideal protein supply, we also recommend our article: "Why our MAP Amino is so special":

Doing sports in old age

You will not be able to avoid exercise/sports when you get older want to maintain or rebuild muscles.

Because with just the intake of proteins, the muscles will not grow much. So if you are still able to exercise, then do it!

If you already have some physical limitations, look for ways to train around them. There are so many different possibilities.

If you are very limited in your movement and are unable to exercise, then taking MAP Amino is still highly recommended.

An American study has shown that amino acids apparently stimulate the body's metabolic processes in muscle tissue even without exercise. This can prevent muscle loss be reduced in old age. (1)

Quote by Josef Hölzl

Daily training in the gym helps me to balance out my many sedentary activities (working on the computer or reading books). After training, I feel balanced again, which also benefits my sleep.

The fact that I like the way I look better and can do a lot of things that many younger people would have to give up on has increased my quality of life enormously! This is the time for me.

Additional tips:

MAXIMUS: The natural booster for muscle building and performance

Our HS Activa MAXIMUS is a dietary supplement that uses a special combination of active ingredients to increase the body's testosterone levels. Testosterone is an important hormone for muscle building and performance.

The ingredients of MAXIMUS are:

  • Tribulus Terrestris: A plant traditionally used in Chinese medicine to increase libido and physical performance.
  • Maca: A root that is also said to have a positive effect on libido and physical performance.
  • Zinc: A mineral involved in the production of testosterone.

How does MAXIMUS work?

The ingredients in MAXIMUS are designed to enhance each other's effects and thus naturally increase the body's testosterone levels. This can lead to a number of positive effects, including:

  • muscle building: Testosterone is an important growth factor for muscle cells. An increased testosterone level can therefore promote muscle building.
  • Performance improvement: Testosterone is also involved in the production of energy. An increased testosterone level can therefore increase performance.
  • Reduced body fat percentage: Testosterone can inhibit the conversion of carbohydrates into fat. Increased testosterone levels can therefore contribute to lower body fat.

Who can take MAXIMUS?

MAXIMUS can be taken by men and women. It is especially suitable for people who:

  • want to promote your muscle building
  • want to increase your performance
  • want to reduce your body fat percentage

How is MAXIMUS taken?

MAXIMUS is taken in the form of capsules. The recommended daily dose is 3 capsules. The capsules should be taken with sufficient liquid.

MAXIMUS is a natural dietary supplement that can increase the body's testosterone levels. This can lead to a number of positive effects, including muscle building, increased performance and reduced body fat.

However, it is important to note that MAXIMUS can only develop its full effect in combination with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Order Maximus in our shop!

■ Tribulus Terrestris: Increases testosterone levels in the blood. Ensures better "manhood"

■ Maca: Has long been used as an aphrodisiac in South America.It has a libido-enhancing and potency-enhancing effect

■ Zinc citrate: Important for the formation of other hormones

Only for a short time: 10% discount on every can of Maximus! Code: muskel10

When you click on the button above, the discount code will be automatically deducted from your shopping cart!

Valid until January 22, 2024; cannot be combined with other codes.

Tongkat Ali - the versatile root from Indonesian folk medicine

Tongkat Ali, also known as Eurycoma longifolia, is a plant native to Southeast Asia. It is traditionally used in Chinese medicine to increase libido and physical performanceIn recent years, Tongkat Ali has also been used as a dietary supplement studied for muscle building.

The effect of Tongkat Ali on muscle building is attributed to various factors. Firstly, Tongkat Ali contains Compounds that can increase testosterone levels. Testosterone is a important hormone for muscle building, because it is involved in protein synthesis. On the other hand, Tongkat Ali can increase the activity of Stimulate growth hormonesGrowth hormones are also involved in protein synthesis and play a important role in muscle building.

studiesStudies that have investigated the effect of Tongkat Ali on muscle building show that Tongkat Ali can increase muscle strength and muscle mass. In one study of 40 men who took Tongkat Ali for 12 weeks, a significant increase in muscle strength and muscle mass was observed. In another study of 30 men who took Tongkat Ali for 8 weeks, a significant increase in muscle strength and muscle mass was also observed.

The results of these studies suggest that Tongkat Ali may be an effective means of increasing muscle growth. However, further studies are needed to investigate the long-term effects of Tongkat Ali on muscle building.

However, it is important to note that Tongkat Ali can only develop its full effect in combination with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Legal Notice: The possible uses of the root extract in Indonesia are for your information only. We only offer Tongkat Ali as a scented powder. Scented powders are not suitable for consumption. This is not a dietary supplement.

Order Tongkat in our shop!

■ Without artificial additives: 100% pure natural product

■ Excellent quality: Highest concentration on the market of 200:1. 400 mg per capsule.

Perfect for everyone, who want to invigorate their body and mind and promote general well-being

Only for a short time: 10% discount on every can of Tongkat Ali! Code: muskel10

When you click on the button above, the discount code will be automatically deducted from your shopping cart!

Valid until January 22nd.2024; cannot be combined with other codes.

Discover even more HS Activa products for more health and fitness in old age:


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