Valuable support for women's special times

In every phase of life, women go through an exciting journey of hormone discovery. Everything begins with the onset of the first period and the development of the natural female cycle with the phases of blossoming and letting go. During pregnancy, women can expect a turbulent hormonal chaos and the hormonal development is rounded off with menopause.

It is important to care for and support the female body so that each of these phases can be experienced as the wonderful and unique journey of fertility that it is and not perceived as a burden and burden.


Against menstrual problems | For well-being before/during and after your period.

Mood swings, inner restlessness, fatigue, digestive problems, sleep disorders. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a major burden for many women. Especially since they have to live through this time month after month.

The unpleasant symptoms usually begin in the second half of the cycle, approx. 4 to 14 days before the start of the menstrual period. Premenstrual syndrome used to be dismissed as “female bitching.” But today we know: PMS is not a minor ailment, but a serious loss of quality of life.

Hardly any other health condition has so many possible symptoms. 75% of all women know it from their own experience. One in four women actually suffer severely – physically and/or psychologically – from the symptoms of PMS.

  • Against PMS: Helps with mood swings, inner restlessness, fatigue, digestive problems, sleep disorders, etc.
  • Supports emotional balance: For well-being before/during and after your period.
  • Prevents long-term damage: Put an end to weak connective tissue and osteoporosis thanks to the specially developed nutrient complex.

Iron + Vitamin B12

Iron plays an essential role in the formation of hemoglobin within red blood cells. These distribute vital oxygen via the bloodstream to all of the body’s cells.

People who follow a vegan and vegetarian diet, as well as women, are often prone to iron deficiency and a lack of vitamin B12. This can be recognized by hair loss, pale skin, brittle nails or frequent fatigue.

  • Is essential for blood formation: If the body loses blood, for example during periods, hemoglobin is lost. Iron is necessary to make new blood. This can also prevent iron deficiency.
  • Against pale complexion: Pale complexion can be due to anemia. This in turn is a sign of an insufficient supply of iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 to the organism. Especially those who eat a primarily purely plant-based diet should also add iron to their body.
  • Gives more strength and energy: A deficiency in iron limits physical performance. Every single cell in the body needs iron for energy balance. Since iron is involved in more than 100 metabolic processes, it provides the necessary strength in our organism.
  • Contributes to normal oxygen transport in the body: As an important component of hemoglobin, iron binds oxygen and transports it to every single cell in the body, to our muscles and every single organ.

Vitamin D3 + K2

Vitamin D can be produced by the body itself in the skin with the help of sunlight (UV-B radiation).

To ensure an adequate supply of vitamin D, it would be extremely important to be outdoors as often as possible without sunscreen, regardless of the weather. There is often a vitamin D deficiency in the population, especially in winter.

  • Important for metabolism and the psyche: Vitamin D is involved in countless metabolic processes and has a positive effect on chronic exhaustion, weakness, depression, mental exhaustion, back pain and headaches.
  • Supports the immune system: Vitamin D is involved in the immune system. Defense cells only start looking for invaders once they have been activated by vitamin D.
  • Supports the muscles: Vitamin D contributes to normal muscle function and thus also has a positive effect on the blood vessels.
  • Vitamin K: The vitamin K it contains ensures that calcium is stored in the bones (and not in the blood vessels). It can therefore help reduce vascular calcification.

Magnesium (compresses)

Magnesium is a so-called essential nutrient , meaning magnesium is vital for the body. Our organism cannot produce magnesium itself. We have to get sufficient amounts of magnesium with food every day.

However, due to today's diet and industrial agriculture, there is a serious mineral deficiency in the population.

  • Activates more than 300 enzymes: Magnesium is involved in more than 300 enzymatic processes - especially in protein metabolism - and without enzymes, almost nothing works!
  • Relaxes muscles and blood vessels: Magnesium has a positive effect on muscle cramps and therefore abdominal pain during periods.
  • Protects the nervous system: It helps with migraines, anxiety, hyperactivity and insomnia.
  • Important for the sexual organs and hormonal balance: It is therefore used in therapies for premenstrual syndrome and fertility treatments.

Our magnesium citrate is taken in the form of a pellet. With magnesium citrate, magnesium is bound to citrate, the salt of citric acid.

Magnesium oil on primeval water

Magnesium is a so-called essential nutrient , which means that magnesium is vital for the body. Our organism cannot produce magnesium itself. We have to get sufficient amounts of magnesium with food every day.

However, due to today's diet and industrial agriculture, there is a serious mineral deficiency in the population.

  • Activates more than 300 enzymes: Magnesium is involved in more than 300 enzymatic processes - especially in protein metabolism - and without enzymes, almost nothing works!
  • Relaxes muscles and blood vessels: Magnesium has a positive effect on muscle cramps and therefore abdominal pain during periods.
  • Protects the nervous system: It helps with migraines, anxiety, hyperactivity and insomnia.
  • Important for the sexual organs and hormonal balance: It is therefore used in therapies for premenstrual syndrome and fertility treatments.

Our magnesium oil supplies the body with magnesium transdermally (via the skin). If you have abdominal cramps, magnesium oil can be applied to your stomach in addition to being taken internally.

Magnesium chloride (powder/flakes)

Magnesium is a so-called essential nutrient , meaning magnesium is vital for the body. Our organism cannot produce magnesium itself. We have to get sufficient amounts of magnesium with food every day.

However, due to today's diet and industrial agriculture, there is a serious mineral deficiency in the population.

  • Activates more than 300 enzymes: Magnesium is involved in more than 300 enzymatic processes - especially in protein metabolism - and without enzymes, almost nothing works!
  • Relaxes muscles and blood vessels: Magnesium has a positive effect on muscle cramps and therefore abdominal pain during periods.
  • Protects the nervous system: It helps with migraines, anxiety, hyperactivity and insomnia.
  • Important for the sexual organs and hormonal balance: It is therefore used in therapies for premenstrual syndrome and fertility treatments.

Our magnesium chloride is in the form of flakes, bound to chloride, the salt of hydrochloric acid (= hydrochloric acid).

Ginseng I Red Panax

Ginseng is one of the best-known medicinal plants in Asia. But the plant is also well received in Europe due to its complex effects.

  • For menopausal symptoms: Ginseng can reduce menopausal symptoms because the plant has a positive effect on general well-being.
  • Increases the ability to concentrate: Thanks to its anabolic effect, ginseng supports physical performance. When taken regularly, the ability to perform and concentrate increases.
  • Minimizes stress and nervousness: We recommend that nervous and stressed people consume ginseng at regular intervals. This means that positive results can be seen in the form of tea by strengthening the immune system against stress. Ginseng has an enormous anti-stress effect.
  • Helps against fatigue: Fatigue is a common symptom of lack of sleep, autoimmune diseases or infectious diseases. As a tonic, ginseng has positive effects on such states of exhaustion.

Alkaline bath

Thanks to its high-quality ingredients, our bath salt brings the pH value of the bath water into the alkaline range.

  • Relaxes the muscles and deacidifies: After a strenuous and stressful day, enjoy a warm bath - this relaxes the muscles and the mind. It's the perfect opportunity to do something good for yourself and unwind.
  • Positive effect on menstruation: The body uses menstruation, in addition to the intestines, kidneys and skin, to excrete acids. Physical hyperacidity can therefore influence the intensity of menstruation. A regular alkaline bath can relieve the body.


Our All In One contains all important vitamins, minerals and trace elements, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin D, magnesium, zinc and many more.

All In One contributes to the integrity of the immune barriers of the skin and mucous membranes, the digestive tract and the respiratory tract.

The most important advantages at a glance:

  • Supports the immune system.
  • Contributes to normal heart function.
  • Supports normal mental performance and the ability to concentrate.
  • Contributes to normal psychological function.
  • Contributes to reducing tiredness and fatigue.
  • Protective function for skin, hair, nails and mucous membranes.

Zinc + C

As an important trace element in our body, zinc is vital for a variety of biological processes.

  • Fertility: The trace element is also called the “fertility mineral” due to its positive effect on the reproductive organs. Zinc deficiency can lead to infertility in women and prostate disorders in men.
  • Important for metabolism: Zinc is a building block and activator of more than 200 enzymes, including enzymes that are part of the immune system and protect cell membranes from free radicals.
  • Vitamin C is considered a co-factor: it increases the effectiveness of zinc. It is also involved in healthy blood formation by improving iron absorption from plant-based iron sources.

The HS Activa health guarantee

Frequently asked questions

How fast is shipping?

Unless a different deadline is specified in the respective offer, the goods will be delivered to Germany by DHL or DPD within 2 - 4 days , and for deliveries abroad within 5 - 7 days after conclusion of the contract. Orders placed by 2 p.m. are usually shipped the same day.

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