Are we conspiracy theorists now?

The time has now come to address something that I have been really afraid of saying or making known for many months in order to avoid being judged as a conspiracy theorist!

Our never-ending “corona pandemic”, about which everyone can think what they want, has now increasingly brought this to light through responsible doctors and also committed private individuals, which was the basis of my fear!

Fungal growth and germ contamination , not only of the mask, but also of the respiratory tract and lungs ! Using just two examples from different countries, I would like to offer everyone the opportunity to evaluate this for themselves and, if necessary, take action based on it!


Our recommendation to prevent these stresses in the mask and in our respiratory tract, we have included a 20ml brown glass with a spray attachment in our range in addition to our hydrogen peroxide!

Order brown glass in our shop!

✅ Ideal for disinfecting mouth and nose coverings (mask care) and everyday objects

✅ Ideal for inhaling hydrogen peroxide

✅ Further application examples on the product page

👉 Order a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and get a 10% discount! Coupon code: bg-wp

Our recommendation to prevent these stresses in the mask and in our respiratory tract, we have included a 20ml brown glass with a spray attachment in our range in addition to our hydrogen peroxide!

Annotation :

Hydrogen peroxide is 100% antiviral, antibacterial, antifungicidal (fungi) and kills all known germs! It used to be used in all hospitals to disinfect surgical instruments!

Only a few dentists still use it today, in the form of offering to rinse the mouth with hydrogen peroxide to disinfect or prevent infection before treatment!

When transferred into the body, it (hydrogen peroxide) contributes to better oxygen supply!

We would like to tell you the following about the instructions for use:

Mask care : Simply spray the mask briefly on both sides (inside/outside) several times a day, no exposure time or drying time is required! Immediate transfer possible!

Respiratory system : Apply several sprays while breathing deeply at least twice a day (morning/evening)!

General : With hydrogen peroxide you can of course not only disinfect your hands, but also any everyday objects that you think you need to disinfect!

We hope that we have perhaps sensitized you and would also be happy to receive feedback/criticism!

Order brown glass in our shop!

✅ Ideal for disinfecting mouth and nose coverings (mask care) and everyday objects

✅ Ideal for inhaling hydrogen peroxide

✅ Further application examples on the product page

👉 Order a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and get a 10% discount! Coupon code: bg-wp

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1 comment



Vielen Dank für dieses wunderbare Produkt. Ich nutze das Wasserstoffperoxid seit ein paar Jahren regelmäßig zur Entgiftung, und seit der Maskenzeit inhaliere ich es auch regelmäßig. Ich habe beim Tragen oft das Gefühl einen Lappen im Hals zu haben und kann dann auch nicht mehr tief durchatmen, wenn ich zwischendurch die Maske mal kurz abnehme. Wenn ich Wasserstoffperoxid in den Rachen sprühen und dabei und danach durch den Mund tief einatme, kann ich qieder richtig durchatmen. Das machen jetzt auch meine Kollegen. Top!

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