Our health blog

Bahnbrechend! So wurde das Fortpflanzungs- und Fruchtbarkeitsvitamin (E) – entdeckt! - HS Activa

Groundbreaking! This is how the reproductive and fertility vitamins were discovered!

Josef Hölzl

A summary from the book: Healthy through Vitamins by Dr. med.et phil. Gerhard Venzmer (1935 Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung) The Birth of a Groundbreaking Discovery Back in the day, in 1922, in the sun-drenched climes of California, three researchers - Evan, Bishop and Sure - made a discovery of groundbreaking importance. This discovery, although its full implications for human life were only...

Groundbreaking! This is how the reproductive and fertility vitamins were discovered!

A summary from the book: Healthy through Vitamins by Dr. med.et phil. Gerhard Venzmer (1935 Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung) The Birth of a Groundbreaking Discovery Back in the day, in 1922, in the sun-drenched climes of California, three researchers - Evan, Bishop and Sure - made a discovery of groundbreaking importance. This discovery, although its full implications for human life were only...

Josef Hölzl
So helfen Ihnen Aminosäuren beim Abnehmen und einem straffen Körper - HS Activa

Amino acids help you lose weight and have a toned body

Josef Hölzl

In the ever-growing world of health and weight management, many are looking for effective and sustainable solutions. And that's where MAP comes in - an innovation that has revolutionized the way we approach protein. If you are looking for an effective supplement to your diet or want to take your health and fitness to the next level, then MAP AMINO...

Amino acids help you lose weight and have a toned body

In the ever-growing world of health and weight management, many are looking for effective and sustainable solutions. And that's where MAP comes in - an innovation that has revolutionized the way we approach protein. If you are looking for an effective supplement to your diet or want to take your health and fitness to the next level, then MAP AMINO...

Josef Hölzl
Magnesium – Das unterschätzte Mineral: Wie es unser Wohlbefinden beeinflusst und welche Rolle es für die Gesundheit spielt - HS Activa

Magnesium - The underestimated mineral: How it influences our well-being and what role it plays in health

Josef Hölzl

Imagine waking up in the morning feeling like you haven't slept all night. Your head is pounding, your muscles are stiff, and you just want to get back into bed. It's a new day, but you feel like you've already spent hours wandering around. This scenario describes very clearly how you might feel if you suffered from a magnesium deficiency....

Magnesium - The underestimated mineral: How it influences our well-being and what role it plays in health

Imagine waking up in the morning feeling like you haven't slept all night. Your head is pounding, your muscles are stiff, and you just want to get back into bed. It's a new day, but you feel like you've already spent hours wandering around. This scenario describes very clearly how you might feel if you suffered from a magnesium deficiency....

Josef Hölzl
Geistig top vital im Alltag - so geht's! - HS Activa

Mentally top vitality in everyday life - that's how it works!

Josef Hölzl

In today’s society there is hardly a moment in which we are not countless information and stimuli From crowded streets and loud noises to countless notifications on our phones and computers, our senses are constantly being put to the test. However, this constant influx of information comes at a price: Our brain must constantly run at full speed, to keep...

Mentally top vitality in everyday life - that's how it works!

In today’s society there is hardly a moment in which we are not countless information and stimuli From crowded streets and loud noises to countless notifications on our phones and computers, our senses are constantly being put to the test. However, this constant influx of information comes at a price: Our brain must constantly run at full speed, to keep...

Josef Hölzl
3 Gründe, warum jeder von OPC profitieren kann - HS Activa

3 reasons why everyone can benefit from OPC

Josef Hölzl

OPC (oligomeric proanthocyanidins) is a fascinating substance with impressive health benefits. It is mainly extracted from the seeds of grapes or from the bark of certain pine species as pine bark extract. In recent years, OPC has attracted a lot of attention from nutritionists, health experts and beauty enthusiasts. Why? With its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties, OPC has the...

3 reasons why everyone can benefit from OPC

OPC (oligomeric proanthocyanidins) is a fascinating substance with impressive health benefits. It is mainly extracted from the seeds of grapes or from the bark of certain pine species as pine bark extract. In recent years, OPC has attracted a lot of attention from nutritionists, health experts and beauty enthusiasts. Why? With its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties, OPC has the...

Josef Hölzl
Aspartam & Insekten im Essen... - HS Activa

Aspartame & insects in food...

Josef Hölzl 1 comment

What should a company do if its product has already been discredited for potentially negative health effects? Take the product off the market? Actually yes, in reality unfortunately no. Many companies are not really interested in ensuring that customers receive high-quality products that are good for their health. Instead, they are all about making money. Ultimately, the pharmaceutical industry is...

Aspartame & insects in food...

What should a company do if its product has already been discredited for potentially negative health effects? Take the product off the market? Actually yes, in reality unfortunately no. Many companies are not really interested in ensuring that customers receive high-quality products that are good for their health. Instead, they are all about making money. Ultimately, the pharmaceutical industry is...

Josef Hölzl 1 comment