Our health blog

Unsere 5 besten Tipps gegen Stress - HS Activa

Our 5 best tips against stress

Do you often feel stressed? If so, then you are definitely not alone ! Modern everyday life offers many opportunities to put yourself under pressure, to worry or to ...

Wie Sie mit Hilfe von L-Tryptophan Ihre Laune beeinflussen können - HS Activa

How you can influence your mood with the help of L-Tryptophan

Do you know that pleasant feeling that you feel in the first 5 seconds after waking up? It is a feeling of inner clarity and peace . Everything is OK. We are in our ...

Warum unser MAP Amino so besonders ist! - HS Activa

Why our MAP Amino is so special!

Why should you consume enough protein? Proteins are the basic building blocks of all life. They consist of chains of individual building blocks. These individual building blocks are c...

Die Wechseljahre bei Frau…  und Mann - HS Activa

Menopause in women… and men

When we think of the menopause, we usually think of the woman's menopause and a period of discomfort. But does this time necessarily have to be accompanied by severe physical and psycho...

Cellulite: Das können Sie jetzt dagegen tun - HS Activa

Cellulite: This is what you can do about it now

Whether fat or thin, many women struggle with cellulite . While you can safely ignore the unsightly dents on your bottom, thighs or upper arms in winter and hide them under well-fitting ...

Das hilft wirklich bei Arthrose! - HS Activa

This really helps with osteoarthritis!

In conventional medicine , osteoarthritis is considered incurable . However, in many cases, osteoarthritis can be influenced extremely positively with targeted holistic measures from na...