Our health blog

Außergewöhnliche Produkte und dauerhaft 10% Rabatt auf alle HS Activa Produkte

Exceptional products and a permanent 10% discount on all HS Activa products

Josef Hölzl

If you have been a customer of HS Activa for a long time, then you know what is most important to me: The health of my fellow human beings! You may also have noticed that in recent years we have repeatedly had "problems" with authorities who have withdrawn individual products from circulation. Why do we always have problems with authorities?...

Exceptional products and a permanent 10% discount on all HS Activa products

If you have been a customer of HS Activa for a long time, then you know what is most important to me: The health of my fellow human beings! You may also have noticed that in recent years we have repeatedly had "problems" with authorities who have withdrawn individual products from circulation. Why do we always have problems with authorities?...

Josef Hölzl
OPC: Vielseitige Hilfe bei Allergien - Entzündungshemmung, Histaminbindung, Reduktion - HS Activa

OPC: Versatile help with allergies - anti-inflammatory, histamine binding, reduction

Josef Hölzl

“Over 34 percent of women and around 27 percent of men in Germany suffer from allergies.” (1) Allergies can have various causes and also manifest themselves differently from person to person. While person A may struggle with red, itchy eyes, person B may experience an asthma attack and person C may complain of a runny nose and sneezing. If you...

OPC: Versatile help with allergies - anti-inflammatory, histamine binding, reduction

“Over 34 percent of women and around 27 percent of men in Germany suffer from allergies.” (1) Allergies can have various causes and also manifest themselves differently from person to person. While person A may struggle with red, itchy eyes, person B may experience an asthma attack and person C may complain of a runny nose and sneezing. If you...

Josef Hölzl
5 Booster für schöne  & natürliche Haare - HS Activa

5 boosters for beautiful & natural hair

Josef Hölzl

Our hair is very present. Located in the middle of our head, it is a part of our personality and reflects our physical and psychological state. If you suffer from Hair problems can be very stressful because it is difficult to hide. Finding the cause can be difficult, as many factors come into play. Hair problems, for example It can...

5 boosters for beautiful & natural hair

Our hair is very present. Located in the middle of our head, it is a part of our personality and reflects our physical and psychological state. If you suffer from Hair problems can be very stressful because it is difficult to hide. Finding the cause can be difficult, as many factors come into play. Hair problems, for example It can...

Josef Hölzl
Tipps für Fasching - HS Activa

Tips for carnival

Josef Hölzl

In a few days, carnival, Mardi Gras or Fastnacht will be celebrated again all over Germany! To prevent a cold from spoiling your fun, we would like to show you our best products for strengthening your immune system Because prevention is particularly important when it comes to colds. Bonus below: If you may have consumed a little too much alcohol,...

Tips for carnival

In a few days, carnival, Mardi Gras or Fastnacht will be celebrated again all over Germany! To prevent a cold from spoiling your fun, we would like to show you our best products for strengthening your immune system Because prevention is particularly important when it comes to colds. Bonus below: If you may have consumed a little too much alcohol,...

Josef Hölzl
Welches Magnesium-Präparat ist das richtige für Sie?

Which magnesium preparation is right for you?

Josef Hölzl 1 comment

Magnesium compounds are often offered that are harmful to the human organism difficult or not available at all are. Good usable compounds are: Magnesium chlorides, phosphates and citrates. And these are exactly the ingredients you will find in our HS Activa magnesium preparations. Magnesium chloride, as well as magnesium citrate and magnesium phosphate help you compensate for magnesium deficiency and...

Which magnesium preparation is right for you?

Magnesium compounds are often offered that are harmful to the human organism difficult or not available at all are. Good usable compounds are: Magnesium chlorides, phosphates and citrates. And these are exactly the ingredients you will find in our HS Activa magnesium preparations. Magnesium chloride, as well as magnesium citrate and magnesium phosphate help you compensate for magnesium deficiency and...

Josef Hölzl 1 comment
Erste Hilfe bei Sodbrennen - HS Activa

First aid for heartburn

Josef Hölzl 2 comments

How does heartburn occur? What many people don’t know: Stomach acid itself is not the problem. It is of great importance for the health of our digestive system and for the health of the whole organism. Stomach acid is only what causes pain when it rises up the esophagus. It is the first line of defense against harmful bacteria and...

First aid for heartburn

How does heartburn occur? What many people don’t know: Stomach acid itself is not the problem. It is of great importance for the health of our digestive system and for the health of the whole organism. Stomach acid is only what causes pain when it rises up the esophagus. It is the first line of defense against harmful bacteria and...

Josef Hölzl 2 comments